Wednesday, 23 September 2020

Article 20 Today 24th September 2020 pg 6 Sakal Sakal Vidarbha Nagpur

 Article 20 Today 24th September 2020 pg 6

Sakal Vidarbha Nagpur
Brands are not about selling, It is about solving. It cannot be copied or if so it comes under plagiarism. Whereas, Product can be sold, copied and so on....
Think, who you are - Product or Brand ?

Article 19 Today 10th September 2020 pg 5 Sakal Vidarbha Nagpur Sakal

 Article 19 Today 10th September 2020 pg 5 

Sakal Vidarbha Nagpur 

Most times we forget many things while leading our life. And these things later pay or let us pay for it. But if it is taken care well before then the team of people we built with our styles and behavior it becomes a great Support !! Think .....

Article 18 Today 27th August 2020 pg 5 Sakal Vidarbha Nagpur Sakal

 Article 18 Today 27th August 2020 pg 5

Sakal Vidarbha Nagpur


Most of the time we never get a thought to think about what our behaviour or our thoughts will give us. Our actions are the result of our thoughts and behaviours and the result we get depends on that. Again result don’t see what age , qualification profession etc we are at !