Friday, 29 May 2020

Article 11 Sakal Vidarbha Nagpur on pg. 5. Today 21st May 2020

Article 11 Sakal Vidarbha Nagpur on pg. 5. Today 21st May 2020
We run away from conflicts, but real management is how you deal with it. Actually conflict and hurdles brings out our Management skills. Think !!

Article 10 Sakal Vidarbha Nagpur Pg No. 5 on 7th May 2020

Article 10 Sakal Vidarbha Nagpur Pg No. 5 on 7th May 2020
We human beings are adjusting creatures. But we forget that how much we should adjust and get boiled with the heat of situations around. But when to take jump must be known to us to save self. People may say anything but taking jump out will only save self which is most important. Think and act...

Sunday, 10 May 2020

Happy Mothers Day

Their is a mother in the hearts of every person who knows to care, respect, love without discrimination & insecurities, is a friend in need  and who is with us in the best of times and sticking with us through the worst of times! Mother cannot be made just by giving birth to new life but the one who knows to nurture too. May the mother in you have a calm and relaxing Mothers Day...😇🙏

Friday, 8 May 2020

Article 9 Sakal Vidarbha Nagpur Pg No. 5 on 23rd April 2020

Article 9 Sakal Vidarbha Nagpur Pg No. 5 on 23rd April 2020
We think a lot, but most of the time we give a damn about what we are thinking. That's why sometimes it becomes necessary to give a thought to what we think. Think !!

Article 8 - 9th April 2020 Sakal Vidarbha Nagpur pg 5.

Article 8 - 9th April 2020 Sakal Vidarbha Nagpur pg 5.
Sometimes we have to consider the blessings in disguise.